Today after work I decided to go for a run in the rain which was AMAZING! The rain was coming down so softly and it felt like the sky was kissing my face. It felt so good (except for that I could only run like 10 feet before I was huffing and puffing with a gut ache).
Since it was raining there were snails everywhere and I had to keep dodging them while I was running. Cleaning snails out of the tiny treads of my shoes for crews shoes didnt sound fun (yes I was running in my shoes from work. A poor girls gotta make do with what she has).
Anyways on my run back home I saw a snail giving birth to another snail (that or else it was eating a smaller one...). Watching a snail give birth takes some time as you might imagine and after a while a guy pulled over and asked if I was alright. I told him I was fine, I was just watching snails (geez I know that sounds crazy, but Im a crazy personlike that). I didn't tell him that I thought the snail was having a baby because I didn't want him to call the men in white coats. He's all "Well more power to ya! I just drove by a couple times and you were still there and I was worried you were hurt." You know he's thinking Im the weirdest girl he's ever seen.
Eh, it probably gave him a good laugh and a story about a crazy girl snail watching in the rain.
On my little run I discovered a small little park just up the road with swings :)!!! So I swung for a while and while I was swinging I thought up a great idea to go invest in a soccer ball and get some people from work to come play soccer one day out of the week for fun and excersize. Man, I'm a genius! Swinging is so inspiring for me :P
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Horrible Case of Homesickness
I made a trip back home to Utah for Sara's wedding and just to see friends since I havent been home since February. Going back and seeing everyone made me really homesick and it sucks.
I miss spending time with Darlene. Drinking coffee in the morning, playing boggle, talking about anything and everything, planning trips and parties.
I miss spending time with Darlene. Drinking coffee in the morning, playing boggle, talking about anything and everything, planning trips and parties.
I miss weekends playing poker and rockband.
I miss my heart to hearts talks about Darlene, life, and goals with Larry.
I miss Virginia. So MUCH!
I miss the desert mountains and the familiar hikes up them.
I miss my mother and little brothers and sisters. I always knew I'd regret that I lived so close and saw them so little.
I really miss my mother.
I miss Ruby Tuesday and miss all the people I worked with there.
I miss living with people who I was totally comfortable with. Where I could come home and not want to hide out in my room all day.

Now I have to go get some tissue and blow my runny nose and hopefully get some sleep so I can wake up tomorrow and remember why I love it down here too.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
This day
Today was great :) I only had six hours of sleep instead of the usual 10 which of course felt way better. I run better off of 5 to 7 hours of sleep.
Work was good. It was slow but that was good for me since Im still getting used to the cashier position....aaaand because my future boyfriend came in....OK probably not, but he's ooooh so good looking and sweet and he's from a small country near Saudi Arabia (cant remember the name though, I'm a bad crusher. I'd be no good at stalking :p). He comes in alot which is awesome.
Anyway, back to my day (ack boys are no good, no good!) I got off work and realized that I didnt have enough time to run home and change and make it all the way to Long Beach by seven.
So despite my poorness I ran into Old Navy and bought a cheap shirt and sandles and cruised out to Cal State Long Beach.
Thanks to Brigitte's friend, Tawny, who gave me directions I actually got there without taking taking too many detours (except when I had to stop for gas, then I took a LOOOOONNG detour, but still made it in time).
I found my way to to theater and after awhile found a seat which was actually being saved for someone else, they just didnt bother telling me until the show was already started. The Fashion show was cool even though I'm not very fashion savvy. There was some cool/crazy/weird outfits up there! Brigitte's outfits were awesome and she won an award for one of them!
I wanted to see her after the show but figured she's be busy with her models and family and other friends etc so I just left. I was really glad I went though. It was fun and out of the norm for me. She ended up texting me just as I got home wondering where I was. phooey.
But tomorrow we are going to a swap meet so that'll be alot of fun too.
Work was good. It was slow but that was good for me since Im still getting used to the cashier position....aaaand because my future boyfriend came in....OK probably not, but he's ooooh so good looking and sweet and he's from a small country near Saudi Arabia (cant remember the name though, I'm a bad crusher. I'd be no good at stalking :p). He comes in alot which is awesome.
Anyway, back to my day (ack boys are no good, no good!) I got off work and realized that I didnt have enough time to run home and change and make it all the way to Long Beach by seven.
So despite my poorness I ran into Old Navy and bought a cheap shirt and sandles and cruised out to Cal State Long Beach.
Thanks to Brigitte's friend, Tawny, who gave me directions I actually got there without taking taking too many detours (except when I had to stop for gas, then I took a LOOOOONNG detour, but still made it in time).
I found my way to to theater and after awhile found a seat which was actually being saved for someone else, they just didnt bother telling me until the show was already started. The Fashion show was cool even though I'm not very fashion savvy. There was some cool/crazy/weird outfits up there! Brigitte's outfits were awesome and she won an award for one of them!
I wanted to see her after the show but figured she's be busy with her models and family and other friends etc so I just left. I was really glad I went though. It was fun and out of the norm for me. She ended up texting me just as I got home wondering where I was. phooey.
But tomorrow we are going to a swap meet so that'll be alot of fun too.
Todays Adventures to Mexico
Ahhh, so today I ventured down south to spend the day with some of my Utahn friends at a beach house in Imperial Beach which turned into a small day trip to Ensenada, Mexico!
My good friend Dan Y and his awesome girlfriend Chelsea along with a few friends of theirs are staying at Uncle Dans Beach house for a week and I luckily had the day off so I could spend it with them.
Seeing Dan and Chelsea was great and I met their friends who seemed cool too.
We were all sitting there catching up when I got a text on my phone saying "Welcome to Mexico! Dial 001 & the ten digit phone number to call the US. Local Calls Dial the 7 or 8 digit number." Sweet, Mexico is texting me! Dan said its probably because my phone picked up a mexican phone tower because Mexico is only 4 miles south from the beach house.
So since I've never been to Mexico and really wanted to go then Dan, Chelsea, Randy, Hyrum, and I decidede to hop in Dans car and make a quick trip to Rosarita, Mexico!
Weird thing about Mexico is they dont care who comes in. Anyone and their dog can just drive or walk into Mexico. I never knew this! I always wondered how felons and people running from the law could always get into Mexico without getting caught at the border. Hell, I couldnt even get into England (long story...) sheesh, if I had known you could get in so easily I would have just gone to Mexico instead...ok maybe not but back to my story..
Once we were in Mexico Dan decided since it was my first time there we should take our little jaunt all the way to Ensenada.
An hour later we arrived in Ensenada really hungry and me super excited. We drove around for quite awhile trying to decide where to stop and eat. No one would really say yea or nay about any place so we just parked and walked to the nearest restaurant. The place was a small and quaint little shop and the lady working there didnt know much english and had no menus. (didnt really matter, it would be in spanish anyway which none of us could read) we eventually got that we could have poi yo (spanish for chicken and no thats more than likely not how you spell it either) shrimp or beef. We all went with the chicken which came served with warm tortillas, beans, rice and steamed carrots and potatoes. It all tasted good quite good.
After eating Randy and Hyrum found a smoke shop to buy some Cuban Cigars and I went a little crazy in a candy shop. There was some weird candy in there! The stuff I ended up buying didnt taste so great though :(
While we were there we decided to knock another thing off my to do list and headed over to a titty bar. It was slow and really empty since it was only 6pm but there was a couple girls up on stage dancing and some nasty old ladies got hyrum to buy a drink for them and then tried to take him upstairs for some "sucky sucky". Hehe. It was mostly really boring but then I didnt really expect much from a titty bar in Mexico at 6pm on a weekday. Ah well, I might try again on a weekend after 9pm when I'm 21 in Vegas. Maybe.
We headed home after that. After getting a little lost and going the wrong way on a roundabout we finally made it to the border. Now HERES where they care who goes through.
We inched along the line slowly watching the Mexicans juggle balls, do tricks and wheelies in a wheel chair, wash windows and sell food and trinkets to the cars waiting to go through the border. FINALLY we made it to the border patrol and after checking our passports he sent us to secondary for some "customary search procedures". We waited over there for an hour and finally they came and looked in our trunk and searched mine and Chelsea's purses ( funny thing is they didnt search the two bags in the trunk but insisted on searching our purses) after that we made it back to the beach house all in one piece :)
Now I can mark two more things off my list! I know it sounds like a sketchy list with titty bars and all but really its not actually a list, just more of doing things I never have done before (dont worry, that strictly excludes drugs of any kind) and visiting every country!
But I'm back to work bright and early tomorrow so I must end this post for today
Adios Amigos :)
My good friend Dan Y and his awesome girlfriend Chelsea along with a few friends of theirs are staying at Uncle Dans Beach house for a week and I luckily had the day off so I could spend it with them.
Seeing Dan and Chelsea was great and I met their friends who seemed cool too.
We were all sitting there catching up when I got a text on my phone saying "Welcome to Mexico! Dial 001 & the ten digit phone number to call the US. Local Calls Dial the 7 or 8 digit number." Sweet, Mexico is texting me! Dan said its probably because my phone picked up a mexican phone tower because Mexico is only 4 miles south from the beach house.
So since I've never been to Mexico and really wanted to go then Dan, Chelsea, Randy, Hyrum, and I decidede to hop in Dans car and make a quick trip to Rosarita, Mexico!
Weird thing about Mexico is they dont care who comes in. Anyone and their dog can just drive or walk into Mexico. I never knew this! I always wondered how felons and people running from the law could always get into Mexico without getting caught at the border. Hell, I couldnt even get into England (long story...) sheesh, if I had known you could get in so easily I would have just gone to Mexico instead...ok maybe not but back to my story..
Once we were in Mexico Dan decided since it was my first time there we should take our little jaunt all the way to Ensenada.
An hour later we arrived in Ensenada really hungry and me super excited. We drove around for quite awhile trying to decide where to stop and eat. No one would really say yea or nay about any place so we just parked and walked to the nearest restaurant. The place was a small and quaint little shop and the lady working there didnt know much english and had no menus. (didnt really matter, it would be in spanish anyway which none of us could read) we eventually got that we could have poi yo (spanish for chicken and no thats more than likely not how you spell it either) shrimp or beef. We all went with the chicken which came served with warm tortillas, beans, rice and steamed carrots and potatoes. It all tasted good quite good.
After eating Randy and Hyrum found a smoke shop to buy some Cuban Cigars and I went a little crazy in a candy shop. There was some weird candy in there! The stuff I ended up buying didnt taste so great though :(
While we were there we decided to knock another thing off my to do list and headed over to a titty bar. It was slow and really empty since it was only 6pm but there was a couple girls up on stage dancing and some nasty old ladies got hyrum to buy a drink for them and then tried to take him upstairs for some "sucky sucky". Hehe. It was mostly really boring but then I didnt really expect much from a titty bar in Mexico at 6pm on a weekday. Ah well, I might try again on a weekend after 9pm when I'm 21 in Vegas. Maybe.
We headed home after that. After getting a little lost and going the wrong way on a roundabout we finally made it to the border. Now HERES where they care who goes through.
We inched along the line slowly watching the Mexicans juggle balls, do tricks and wheelies in a wheel chair, wash windows and sell food and trinkets to the cars waiting to go through the border. FINALLY we made it to the border patrol and after checking our passports he sent us to secondary for some "customary search procedures". We waited over there for an hour and finally they came and looked in our trunk and searched mine and Chelsea's purses ( funny thing is they didnt search the two bags in the trunk but insisted on searching our purses) after that we made it back to the beach house all in one piece :)
Now I can mark two more things off my list! I know it sounds like a sketchy list with titty bars and all but really its not actually a list, just more of doing things I never have done before (dont worry, that strictly excludes drugs of any kind) and visiting every country!
But I'm back to work bright and early tomorrow so I must end this post for today
Adios Amigos :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Amy the Poor but Optomistic Fun Loving Blogger
I am very broke, as a lot of people these days are.
When you are broke you automatically assume you cant do anything fun, which makes you depressed and angry. I, however, am going to take a stand against this common belief!
I refuse to let this retarded economy and lack of funds get me down!
I will have fun without money! Who needs money at least to have fun that is...
I will party it up everyday with no or minimal spending of the dinero!
I work five to six days a week and my shifts don't start until 5 or 6 pm so I have a lot of time to waste.
Mostly I've spent my time sleeping, reading at the library, and surfing the net.
I found this awesome site today whilst surfing. Take a look .... so I will start spicing up my days with a few crazy feats from the list of ideas provided on the web page! Yay, fun here I come!
When you are broke you automatically assume you cant do anything fun, which makes you depressed and angry. I, however, am going to take a stand against this common belief!
I refuse to let this retarded economy and lack of funds get me down!
I will have fun without money! Who needs money at least to have fun that is...
I will party it up everyday with no or minimal spending of the dinero!
I work five to six days a week and my shifts don't start until 5 or 6 pm so I have a lot of time to waste.
Mostly I've spent my time sleeping, reading at the library, and surfing the net.
I found this awesome site today whilst surfing. Take a look .... so I will start spicing up my days with a few crazy feats from the list of ideas provided on the web page! Yay, fun here I come!
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