Sunday, March 29, 2009


Yes! Moving day has come :)
I'm moving in with a young couple and their little boy. I have my own room and bathroom all for 500 a month! Pretty snazzy huh.
So that's what I'll be doing all day tomorrow until I go to work @5:30.

Also I just might get to go surfing this week!!! Anh, a guy I work with, goes surfing pretty much everyday and he said he'd take me :) Fun stuff!

But even cooler than that, I found out that my brother Jonny is moving to California in July!!!! Yeah! Haven't seen Jonny in 2 years!
So now Dad, Jonny, Danny and I all live down here, now Virg and Sammy need to move here :)

Just a little parting thought...have you ever stopped and noticed the weird words we use? When I was typing Moving I thought of that. Mooooovvving....hmmm weird.
You know what word is cool? Subtle. I like to say it over and over again....subtle subtle subtle OOO so fun!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On With The House Hunt

Gramma REALLY doesnt want me to move out.
She now has my rent down to 300 a month and 3 cleaning days if I'll stay.
But I wont.
I know if I stay the bickering and blaming will only get worse because Im paying less.
Im always polite though and tell her thanks for the offer thats very kind of you but Im sure I'll find a place to rent for a reasonable price.

Today I went and looked at another place (the last one I talked about didnt work out. They wanted someone who was over 21) This place was a brand new apartment building that looked great and the girl who was showing me the place was awesome buuuuuut it didnt say that it was a shared room in the ad they posted on craigslist. I wasnt very surprised though when I found out that it was a shared room because the rent was so cheap...too good to be true. But if I could stand to share a room then this place would actually be pretty cool.
Carol (the girl who was showing me the place) seemed really cool and she is my age. She'd be one of my roommates (she's sharing a room with her sister) and the girl who I'd be sharing with is my age also. I'd definitely need to meet the girl I'd be sharing with first before I made a decision. Ok here are the pro's and con's


  • Cheap rent of 350.00+ utilities split 5 ways.

  • Full access to kitchen :DDD

  • Internet :DDDDDDD!!!!!!!!! (I dont have it where I live now)

  • Yoga room and Fitness room (possibly pool but not sure)

  • Living with 4 young fun girls (which could also turn out to be a con)

  • The place is only available for two months (also another con in a way)


  • Sharing a room
  • Living with 4 other girls (think of all the PMS and potential drama)
  • Sharing a bathroom with two other girls (I work at night so I dont necessarily need to shower in the morning)
  • I would have to find a place in two months (I dont really mind though)

That would be awesome to move in there, hang out with some fun girls my age, meet new people through them...get a social life basically.

but at the same time....share a room....ugh! ok next time your in your room by yourself try to notice all the things you do when people arent around. Admit it, you fart, pick your nose, scratch your butt, talk nonesense to yourself....ok maybe only I do that but anyway sharing a room is not that appealing to me yet I could do it if I must. Anyways I gotta let Carol know by tomorrow so I got alot to think about....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Under duds

Today I've been hanging out with Darlene while she was doing her brothers laundry. Apparently when he buys his underwear he just grabs the package off the rack without looking at the size because he had underwear ranging from sizes Small to XL!
Anyways we got a little crazy and so I thought I'd put up some pics we took :)

Ha ha we're weirdos I know! Just the everyday craziness that happens with us two.
I miss living with her and wish she'd move to California with me to continue our crazy daily feats.
*sniff sniff*

Monday, March 9, 2009

Familiar Faces

OK, everything is so familiar here in California. Everyone here reminds me somehow of someone I knew or worked with back home. There is Casee who acts exactly like Emily. The server (I don't know her name yet) who looks exactly like Deanna did 4 years ago. Dotty who looks like my mother will in 10 years. If you took my managers Ahn and Sol and put them together you'd get Slugger. Jeff looks and reminds me of Rulon. Eric looks just like Royce. Cecilia reminds me of Zoila.

I wonder if it will be like this everywhere I go. Will there always be the fun spontaneous girl who reminds me of Emily? Or when I move to a new place will the new fun spontaneous girl remind me of Casee or the last fun spontaneous girl I knew?

Last night I played poker with some people from the cheesecake factory. In a way it was just like hanging out with Tom Louis Artie and those guys back home except that I couldn't join in on their stories and didnt get their inside jokes because I had just met these people and didnt know any of them.

In a way it makes me bored of this place. It feels like I already know these people and I know what they do for fun. It differs a little from my friends in Utah. The Cali people go to concerts and the beach. Utah friends go ride dirtbikes and fourwheelers and go snowboarding or boating depending on the time of the year. But both groups mostly spend their nights and weekends getting drunk, going to movies and hanging out with their friends and/or coworkers.

What I do like about living here is that no one knows me. In Utah everyone knows all about me. Where Im from. Where Im living. My family, my friends, the boys I've dated. What I do for fun, the places I've been, where I'm going next week.

I like that about this place but at the same time I want to tell my coworkers and the people I meet stuff about myself because that is how you make conversation with people you've just met. You ask questions about them and in return they do the same learning more about each other until you find that you have things in common and become friends or learn that your personalities conflict and avoid each other.

Also part of why I want to tell people stuff about myself is because I like to shock and get reactions from people and alot of things about me shock people and I get great reactions when I tell people about my life.
I guess it doesnt matter. The people I hang out with will eventually know anyway.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stuff Out of My Head

So I am in the mood to write, or type I guess I should say.
I read The Alchemist yesterday and I've decided its pretty much the greatest book ever.
That little Santiago guy is so inspiring! So if you haven't read the book, do so. Consider it your homework assignment. Actually don't do that, then it will be a chore or task, consider it a treat your giving your soul :D

I am moving out of the house I was staying in, and what a RELIEF! I'm just sorry that I wasnt the one to initiate it. Heres how it all came about.
I usually come home from work anywhere from midnight to 1:30 in the morning. I come in really quietly so she wont wake up and so her dog wont hear me and start barking. I've even asked her like 4 times if she can hear me come in and she says she cant. So on saturday I was at dannys until 10:30pm and then I went home. The next morning Gramma says to me " You come in really late every night and it wakes me up and I need my sleep blah blah blah. You should probably just find another place to live." Im like " Yeah I'm sorry I just work late. It probably would be better if I found another place." Woo Hoo! I didnt realize how much I hate living there until now and Im so glad to be moving. Hopefully I have enough money... :x

So now I am on a house hunt. I'd like to stay in Mission Viejo because I like the area and because its close to Danny and Dad and work.
Today I have two rooms to go see. I actually already went and saw one this morning.... yeeeeeaaaaahhhh not moving in. The rent is really cheap but I can tell I would hate living there. The place is deathly silent. So quiet that when someone cleared their throat upstairs it made me jump. Imagine talking on the phone and knowing everyone in the house can hear you.
But that wasn't what made me decide I didn't want to move in. The room is tiny but that doesn't bother me. I have to share a bathroom with another girl living there. The bathroom is old but tidy-ish so I think I could stand that for cheap rent. But here's what made me decide. The person who owns the house is an old, nasty-looking guy. I get a little grossed out when I look at him.
When he was showing me through the house we got to the kitchen and the roommates have their own designated fridge which is big and empty so there is room for my stuff so that's good. "You can put your food in here and use the microwave in the kitchen" I told him I like to fry eggs and occasionally pancakes in the morning for breakfast and asked him if that was OK. He didn't like the idea. " That's not a good idea...*grumbling to himself*...I guess you could if you kept the fan on and didn't make it smell" OK, uh so no kitchen access. I'm trying to move away from foods that only come out of microwaves so this is no good. Then he asks me if I do laundry. Uh yeah.
"If you don't have much laundry and you only do it on occasion then we have a laundry machine here. I don't like people to use it very much because it can break" The machines are ancient like the old man himself and of course he shows me how to use it. So I told the old man I had another place to go see and I'd call him and let him know by tomorrow if I wanted the place.
Oh and another thing, He wants me to move in immediately. I told him I had until the end of the month at my current place so I was planning on moving then. He told me he wanted me in by the 15th. So no go on that place.

The next place I'm going to see is in Irvine and the people living there are 28 and 30 so no old fogies at least. They're asking 460 plus utilites for a private room with a shared bath. Hopefully these people are cooler than the last place...cross your fingers!

Anyway Im off to Costco with my Bro. Just so you know going to Costco is one of my favorite things. It reminds me of hanging out with Darlene and I love the little food samples. :)
So until next time...

Living with a Old Lady

Alright, so when I first came to California I was staying on my brothers couch. Danny and Mike (my cousin Danny lives with) agreed to let me stay two weeks on their couch while I looked for a job and a place to stay. About a week and a half of discouraging job searching then my dad gave me a call saying that if I wanted to I could come clean up a job he'd been doing for this French lady. He said I would like her because she has been all around the world and was french blah blah blah...

So since I am desperate for money AND bored out of my mind I go over there the next morning to clean up. The french lady who I will call gramma (because she is old and she doesn't think she is) and she seems real nice. She lives in this condo right by Lake Mission Viejo. Dad had installed a tub for her in her upstairs bathroom and so my job was to clean up the sheet rock dust and crap that had built up.

When I was finishing up then dad told me how she had offered to let him move in downstairs for 900 dollars and he said I should move in instead (he already had a place up the street from there ). He said it jokingly since 900 dollars is WAY out of my price range but it got me thinking. What if I offered her 500 and then cleaned her house for here to make up for the rest. She had already been complaining about her current house cleaner not doing a good job, and she seemed to be happy with my cleaning. So when she came in to see how things were coming along then dad told her "hey you should have Amy move in here" (or something to that effect) and then it all went uphill from there....just to come to a peak less than a week later and then drop speedily downhill.

I moved in with Gramma about a week later. I was excited to have my own room at last! I was sick of staying on a couch and using dannys shower and keeping all my shit in my car.

Things were fine for about. . . the first two days.

The first things she nagged me about were reasonable sane things like dont put dishes in the sink, they can break and keep the door to the garage shut because it makes the house cold and turn off the bathroom light because the bulbs are expensive and she didnt want them to burn out or something like that. Now all these things are reasonable and make sense and I had no problem complying with these rules and didnt think anything of it. Thing is, SHE would always do these things and blame me. Now I am not 82 years old and I can remember the last time I went in the garage and I can remember that I made sure I shut the door and I hadnt eaten at the house so I surely didnt put dishes in the sink etc etc.

Nevertheless I was still blamed for these things and it was explained to me each time it happened why exactly these things shouldnt happen blah blah blah.

Then the garage started acting up and that was "my fault" even though I had only parked in the garage once and it was already open and she was standing there when I did it.

Then the TV in her room stopped working and since I had put it on a music channel while I was cleaning earlier that day ( she had suggested I do that and even turned it on, I simply changed the channel) I mustve ruined it somehow.

Once she asked me to install her new keyboard and mouse on her computer which I know how to do since I have done it before. The only thing I unplugged to do this was her scanner which I immediately plugged back in. Somehow sometime a antivirus got downloaded on her computer. It might've been when I downloaded the keyboard but she had a friend of hers over for the last two days messing with her modem and hooking up a router that didnt work because it was so old. He could have easily downloaded it too. Anyway this antivirus thing was preventing her computer from hooking up to the Internet so my Danny came over and uninstalled it and it worked great after that (well lets hope so)

Oh and She thinks I cant clean.

Everywhere Gramma goes she leaves a trail of crumbs. She is always eating Graham crackers and the crumbs get everywhere. They just puff from her mouth when she talks. And she spills stuff on a regular basis. Coffee grinds and sugar are always on the counter. So when I clean I usually wipe of the crumbs with a wet rag and then spray a all purpose cleaner of some sort (in this case 409 since thats all she had in the all purpose field and it says "works great in the kitchen" on it) to disinfect and get the rest of the gunk off. Anyway when Gramma realized this she was like " oh no you cant use that! you cant use 409 on granite, it will ruin it (seriously gramma, its granite) and why are you using a rag?! you must use these wipes to clean it and then this marble polish" These wipes that she gives me are old and dried out and they come in a canister like the Armor All wipes you use in your car. The package says stainless steel wipes and you are supposed to use them on grills and ovens. So I humor the old lady and use them, but of course they dont clean so while she is not looking I wipe the counter with a rag with cleaner like a normal person would.

Later she goes through the kitchen and knit picks. I expect it from her now. I clean her house and do all the things she tells me and then when Im finished I go in my room and wait for about 15 mins until I hear her yell "Ammmyyyyy!!!! Could you come here? I need to show you something." Its usually something stupid but on occasion I do forget some important stuff like last week I forgot to scrub the toilet bowl in her bathroom ( which had no ring or anything but I still would have done it I just forgot) the only reason she noticed is because she didnt see the toilet bowl cleaner among my cleaning supplies.

Last week she became very upset because I didnt pull out the cushions on her couch and wipe them down with microfiber wipes that she has somewhere in her cleaning supplies in the garage.

When I apologized and told her I would for sure remember them next time and just as soon as she was done watching TV I would clean them, blah blah blah, kissing ass. She was all exasperated and I told her I was sorry again but I was glad she told me so I would remember to do it next time. She calmed down a bit then told me she sometimes forgets I am so young and unsophisticated and I must've never done much cleaning except helping my mother around the house so she'll just be patient and help me learn how to clean properly. Ugh I wanted to throw a pillow and her nasty old face... but I didnt....dammit.

As the days go by more and more things go wrong and there are more and more problems that are my fault. A while ago I ran the hot water out. The water heater we have here is really old and thats why I can run the hot water out by having a 20 min shower. So when her old decrepit water heater started leaking on Saturday she told my dad that "Amy ran it out of hot water and thats why its acting up". Maybe running all the hot water out can ruin a old water heater...who knows but its really ridiculous.

I only have recieved one paycheck from Cheesecake Factory and it isnt enough for rent so Dad loans me the rest of rent and I decide to give Gramma my 30 day notice since I hate living there.
When I gave it to her I told her "I'm just not making enough so I am probably going to move in with my Brother again" She's like "oh no I was thinking and me and your father were talking earlier today ( I think he was trying to prep her for my 30 days but it backfired) and I was telling him he or someone you know could move in into the other room down there and you too could split the rent." I told her I'd think about it. I dont think I will but only paying 300 a month does sound nice....
Hmmm I dont know what I'll do.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What the...

So I'm new to this whole blogging thing but my friend Andrew tells me its basically anything you want it to be. So I'm gonna use it as a place to vent to get my thoughts out, and also to keep my friends updated on whats going on in my life and maybe to get some answers to questions from that is if anyone ever reads this this crap.

SO today I'm just going to give a little intro into what is going on in my life at the moment.
I am currently living in Mission Viejo CA. I'm room renting from a lady my dad did some remodeling for ( she'll probably be in a lot of my posts) and I work in the bakery at The Cheesecake Factory. Since I just moved here a month ago I dont really know anyone yet so I mostly hang out with my Dad, my brother Danny, and my cousin Mike and his girlfriend Janika. We dont do a whole lot though. Dad and I usually just go to lunch or dinner and a occasional jog around the lake I live by. I mostly end up going over to Danny's and Mikes to twink around on the computer while they play WOW or Gears of War though sometimes we mix it up with a little drunken janga on the weekends. Its pretty boring most of the time.

I know I should go meet some new people and make friends and I kinda have been at work but here's the thing. Im super broke ( as are alot of people right now) and Im realizing it costs money to make new friends. If you've been friends with someone for quite a while then its fun to just go hang out with them at their house and do nothing. BUT with new friends you cant do that. You have to go DO something. Go to a movie, go to a concert, go to a theme park. You cant be like "Hey Im Amy, Im new here so I dont know whats fun to do around here" and then the new potential friend says "oh really?! Well hey there is a great band playing this weekend at the such and such place. You should totally come with us, it'll be a ton of fun" and then I have to decline because I cant afford to do anything else or my bills wont get paid. Or maybe some girls want to take me clubbing. HA! first of all I have no clothes that I could wear clubbing and secondly I CANNOT dance. Third I'm still not 21 which means we could only go to lame clubs full of highschool kids. Then there is always the issue funding for the fun.

Even though I complain about all the stuff that requires mula there are some things that are cheap that sound pretty fun. For instance, the ocean is only 20 minutes from where I live. NICE perk! It only cost gas to get there.
I also live right next to Lake Mission Viejo and have access to a private beach though im not so big on swimming in lakes. And since the weather is almost always nice here in SoCal then there are some little hikes I could go on.
Hmmm I should stop complaing and get my rear in gear.

Anywho, I've got to clean Ginette's ( the lady I live with) house tomorrow so Im going to end this first little blog. But dont worry, Im sure Ginette will give me plenty of things to rant and rave about for tomorrow so you'll be hearing from me again soon.