Friday, April 10, 2009

Pork and Beans.. Weezer is stuck in my head, which would be great because its a awesome song but the only part of the song I remember is "...don't give a hoot (or is it damn) about what you think....something something something...I eat my candy with my pork and beans..." Very annoying.

I'm supposed to be learning The Cheesecake Factory's menu but I have been procrastinating for the last couple days. My practical smart side of me has been nagging me for days.."Stop watching TV and study your menu. No you shouldn't go hang out with friends, you should learn the menu. You've had tons of sleep, now wake up and study for your test. Get off your computer and study. DONT write in your blog, instead you should LEARN THE MENU!!!!" but my lazier, dont give a damn, let the peices fall where they may side of me must have taken over because I have studied all of about 1 hour for the dumb thing and its in four days. Instead my lazier side finds less important things to do and I always do them instead.
I have a headache from it all.

1 comment:

Gawdun said...

i love the inner battle we seem to have with our inner selfs. Like I am teaching a class in church on sunday and I had all of thursday off and meant to study. So I instead went for a 20 minute run that turned into a 1 hour run, took my brother to Bajio, went to a movie with the family (monsters vs aliens, a hoot!) and of course did a bunch of online things like up load a movie a bunch of us made. Lets not forget the fat that I went out to take a bunch of photo's to clear my mind. However I have now only read half the lesson and work friday double and saturday double. With that said good luck Amy, we miss you, and Im gonna go read and hit the bed.